Mã sản phẩm: W52-8901 Lược xem: 1823
Specifically Designed for Use with the MimioVote Assessment System!
Standards-based, interactive questions are ready-to-import into your MimioVote assessment system - and perfect for review and assessment prep! Includes 750 illustrated, interactive review cards - divided into 25 topic-based subsets. Site license provides for unlimited use on any MimioVote system within your school. Complete curriculum coverage of the following standards-based topics -
Specifically Designed for Use with the MimioVote Assessment System!
Standards-based, interactive questions are ready-to-import into your MimioVote assessment system - and perfect for review and assessment prep! Includes 750 illustrated, interactive review cards - divided into 25 topic-based subsets. Site license provides for unlimited use on any MimioVote system within your school. Complete curriculum coverage of the following standards-based topics -
1. Adding New Words to Our Language
2. Capitalization
3. Compound & Complex Sentences
4. Interviews & Discussions
5. Descriptive Text
6. Gerunds, Infinitives & Participles
7. Library Skills
8. Modifiers - Adverbs
9. Persuasive Text
10. Prepositions, Conjunctions & Interjections
11. Punctuation
12. Reading & the Internet
13. Reading - Drama
14. Reading - Figurative Language
15. Reading Rate
16. Reading - Structural Analysis
17. Regular & Irregular Verbs
18. Sentences
19. Spelling
20. Text Features
21. Thinking Skills
22. Titles & Authors
23. Usage
24. Using References
25. Writing a Research Report