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Phần mềm bản đồ số- mozaMap

Mã sản phẩm: SKUmap Lược xem: 3549

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mozaMap-Bản đồ số cho bảng tương tác
Bản đồ tương tác của MozaMap về giáo dục địa lý và lịch sử. Các yếu tố của các bản đồ khác nhau rất dễ thay đổi và được thiết kế riêng.









Illustration possibilities


Freehand lines, images, symbols and annotative bubbles can be placed onto separate map layers, created by teachers in mozaMap. The built-in drawing tool provides several possibilities for illustration, including a large collection of geographical and historical symbols.

Drawings and other illustrations created in mozaMap can be easily saved, moved, and their size adjusted to the scale of the maps. A presentation can be made and shared afterwards containing the maps you've enhanced.







mozaMap allows users to create custom exercises on the maps. These exercises can be saved, shared and easily inserted into mozaBook.

Battle sites and other historical and geographical landmarks can be loaded onto the blank maps according to the teacher's needs. The students should match these events with the appropriate labels. Time limits can also be set. While students are working, the map shows the time used for solving the exercise. When students finish their work, mozaMap displays the ratio of correct answers.