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FLORIDA Grade 1 Math Curriculum Mastery® Game - Take-Home Edition

Mã sản phẩm: W23-1861 Lược xem: 4975

Liên hệ

Excellent Means of Stimulating Parental Involvement

The Take-Home edition is designed to stimulate outside review and parental involvement. Each Take-Home version includes -

  • 25 individually packaged games
  • Teacher & Parent Planning & Resource Guide
  • Includes FREE 1-Year Premium Subscription to NewPath's Online Learning Program providing access to Math games, interactive activities, quizzes and more ($199.95 Value!)

Every game is individually packaged in a vinyl folder and features a set of 30 standards-based review questions, a double-sided game board and materials for up to four students. Provides comprehensive coverage of the following Sunshine State Standards-based topics -

1. Sequencing
2. Skip Counting
3. Number Line
4. One Less, One More
5. Place Value
6. Odd & Even
7. Telling Time
8. Counting Coins
9. Addition Facts to 10
10. Subtraction Facts to 10
11. Story Problems
12. Simple Shapes
13. Attributes of Objects
14. Patterns
15. Ordering
16. Days of the Week
17. Months of the Year
18. Measurement
19. Temperature
20. Greater Than/Less Than
21. Commutative Property
22. Relative Position of Objects
23. Symmetry
24. Graphs
25. Probability