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Grade 6 Social Studies Curriculum Mastery® Game - Study-Group Edition

Mã sản phẩm: 25-6401 Lược xem: 4836

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Includes one double-sided game board, a blended set of 250 cards representing a cross-section of the topics represented in the Class-Pack Edition (24-8001), materials for four students, and trial online subscription. Topics include:

1. Resources & Energy
2. Archaeology
3. Ancient Trade Routes
4. Ancient Greece
5. Ancient Rome
6. Ancient Egypt
7. Class Systems
8. Types of Governments
9. Laws of Supply & Demand
10. Market Economy
11. Industrial Revolution
12. Impact of Industrialization
13. World War I
14. World War II
15. Panama Canal
16. Spanish American War
17. Progressive Movement
18. Urbanization
19. Inventors
20. Harlem Renaissance
21. Great Depression
22. Tennesse Valley Authority
23. Holocaust
24. Famous Treaties
25. Great Migration