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Excellent Means of Stimulating Parental Involvement
The Take-Home edition is designed to stimulate outside review and parental involvement. Each Take-Home version includes -
Every game is individually packaged in a vinyl folder and features a set of 30 standards-based review questions, a double-sided game board and materials for up to four students. Provides comprehensive coverage of the following Sunshine State Standards-based topics -
1. Syllable Patterns/Word Families
2. Structural Analysis
3. Verb Endings
4. Capitalization/Punctuation
5. High Frequency Words
6. Context Clues
7. Grammar Skills
8. Complete/Incomplete Sentences
9. Adjectives & Adverbs
10. Fact/Fiction/Opinion
11. Literary Elements
12. Cause/Effect
13. Charts/Graphic Organizers
14. Main Idea/Supporting Details
15. Well Known Literature
16. Genre
17. Writing Process
18. Rules for Writing
19. R Controlled Vowels
20. Word Meaning with Prefixes/Suffixes
21. Synonyms
22. Multiple Meanings
23. Author's Purpose
24. Sequential Order
25. Vowel Diphthongs